My Retirement; Red Gush24

Hello RPF. Sadly this may be my final post as RPF Leader. As of January 1, 2014, I am retiring from the USRPF.

This is mainly because I am 17, and I no longer have time for RPF. It’s not that I have grown bored, although I honestly don’t have any time. I live with my mother and grandfather, and I must take on the responsibilities that my grandfather is no longer able to do. Aside from school, I still have much to do. I cannot continue with leading RPF, having a job, and any other things that must be done.

I apologize for not being able to help RPF a lot in the last month or so, if I could go back and try to find more time for RPF, I would. I’d like to thank many people, starting with Elmikey. I came back to RPF around February 2013 after about a year of time to myself, to see RPF being led by a fellow named “Qwerty”. He ended up almost shutting RPF down, but long story short I became leader and RPF did not shut down. Even at this time I had limited time, and I decided to wait until the summer until things got kicked up and I had more free time. To my surprise, Commando717 announced he was returning to RPF in the start of summer. Soon enough, I was leading RPF and just finishing the last of my school work when to my surprise once again, Elmikey asked to return to RPF. With what time I had, I led RPF. Although I didn’t quite have the time to fully lead RPF by myself. Elmikey was such a help during the time, so I had him moved to leader position along with myself. Throughout Summer 2013, RPF did the impossible during those months, and I met many wonderful troops along the journey.

Secondly, I want to thank the entire USRPF. Anyone who had joined was another person helping me, and helping RPF grow. Without RPF’s troops, we wouldn’t be where we are now, and I wouldn’t be here either. So again, thank you.

Sadly I will not be returning to RPF anytime soon. The last time I “retired” it was for a short period of time which I was able to clear up any work I had to do, and return to RPF. Unfortunately, I cannot do that again.

This may be the end to my leadership, although it is not the end of RPF. RPF’s lifetime is Far From Over, which means you, the USRPF troops still must Fight the good fight. For my sake, and for the sake of yourselves and all of RPF. This is the end for me, although it’s simply the beginning for RPF. When Darkness Falls, we rise, and rise we shall.

This is Red Gush24, signing off.

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10 comments on “My Retirement; Red Gush24
  1. Rpf will miss you a lot Red, you were a great leader. 😥

    p.s. sorry i accidently advertise on chat :). I won’t do it again next time.

    Farewell Red Fight the Good Fight.

    Member of Rpf :,(

  2. gionna4 says:

    I will miss u red gush.

  3. St Ransor says:

    You’ll be missed! 😦 Just remember all of our fellow RPF Troops. We care for you as a family! Hopefully you’ll be visiting chat!

  4. another greatr leader bites the dust

  5. kathy8479 says:

    Good luck in all of your future endeavors, friend. Maybe we’ll see each other again. -hugs-

  6. ҠΣѴĪ∏ says:

    Well Red, we’ve been friends since the start. I will never forget the times we had back in 2011. Its too bad to see people like you go. Well Red, it was cool knowing you. Enjoy that mystical place they call retirement island.

  7. NeonRainbow says:

    Thank you Red for serving and you were a great leader too

  8. Good luck, we’ll all miss you *salute*

  9. theviper2001 says:

    goodbye RedGush We will all miss you but it is right for you to help your family even if it means retiring from rpf. and like helping my friends pj I would retire sadly if my family needed me to. Hopefuly i will not need to retire for a long time.

  10. LilStar says:

    You were a great leader Red Gush. You inspired myself and many troops to take on the tasks you have done and I hope you still come and visit every once in awhile. You will be missed. – LilStar

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